Sunday, February 27, 2011

i spent a big chunk of last night

working on invitations.  just so you know.  i'm not totally slacking off. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

four wheels

i worked on my registry today, after my mom pointed out that people have started asking her where we're registered.  is it weird that i put a bike on there?  after all, my bike got stolen last year, and D doesn't even have one!  so, in fact, i put two bikes on the registry.  we can go ride our bikes together if we get them, which i think is something nice married people do. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

i've been really wanting to work on these

by "these" i mean invitations, but right now my head hurts (sinus pain from allergies, awesome!), and suddenly the thought of making a million invites is overwhelming and exhausting. 

i'm going to make a deal with myself that i work for at least fifteen minutes, then i can take a break if i need to.  maybe working in small spurts will help get my creative juices flowing and seem less daunting.  i'm using this awesome return address stamp as my jumping off point!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

pop quiz

i'm posting this on both blogs! 

i'm starting to set up my reception ipod playlist.  do you have some ideas for romantic or otherwise fun songs?  if so, you should post a comment or send me an email.  don't feel like you have to limit yourself to just one song, if you've got a lot, send them all! 

some songs i know i want to play, with links to the youtube videos,

Saturday, February 12, 2011

wedding underwear is kind of pricey

however, having all your bits and bobs held in place and looking just right is going to be worth it.  plus, i never have a good reason for buying fancy underpants!  or rather, i rarely have a good reason.

i've gotten my internet orders for decorations this week; lots of tissue paper, some acorns, a nice paper cutter.  now of course, i just need to get down to the business of making the pom poms and embellishing the votive candle holders.  tonight looks like it will be kind of quiet, the girlchild will be out babysitting, D will be at work, and the boychik will likely be engrossed with the internets, so i can set up a station on the kitchen table and get to work.

for our invitations, i think what i would really like to do it hand-draw and letter them, then convert the images into PDFs for printing.  however, past the drawing i'm at a loss.  if some of you get emails asking for help, consider this your warning.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

i bought another dress!

changing the venue and season of our wedding meant the dress i'd bought before wasn't quite right.  it wasn't terrible, don't get me wrong, but i realized i didn't want to wear a short dress, and to be honest, that dress was $50, so i wasn't worried about not using it.  looking around on-line i found a beautiful dress at david's bridal that is super, super simple, very pretty, and not crazy expensive.  i showed it to my mother this morning and she agreed that it's pretty.  she also bought it for me.  i feel kind of bad about that, but she insisted...and i did pick a very economical one.  i'm so excited for it to show up! 

i also bought the votive candle holders for the tables, the flickering LED tea lights (the grange is really old, no open flames!), the paper for the invites, and ordered some acorns for the centerpieces and tissue paper for the pom poms.  whew.  my brain hurts.